Koji Dolly Wink No. 9 Natural Dolly Fake Eyelashes
I've chosen this fake eyelashes because I want something more natural. My eyes are small and I have epicanthic fold eyelid (内双眼皮) instead of double-fold eyelid. Thicker fake eyelashes will make my eyes look even smaller. Another reason was this fake eyelashes band is soft, it won't make my eyes feel itchy and make me feel more comfortable while wearing it for long hours. My previous fake eyelashes bands are so hard that they made my eyes itchy since the moment I've applied them.
Another reason I've chosen this is because the eyelashes band is transparent! So it won't crash with my eyeliner. By the way, all fake eyelashes from Koji Dolly Wink are using transparent eyelashes band. C:
This product comes with 2 pairs of fake eyelashes with a Dolly Wink eyelashes glue, but the glue isn't strong enough for me. So I've sticked with my own fake eyelashes glue which is stronger, available in Sasa (RM29.90):-
I use this to create double-fold eyelid as well. But they can't stand longer, maybe it's due to my skill...... lols.
With Koji Dolly Wink No.9 Natural Dolly Fake Eyelashes. Lower eyelashes were applied with mascara only. I've made double-fold eyelid, in order for you guys to really see the eyelashes. >..< (Disadvantage of single-fold eyelid/epicanthic fold eyelid: Our eyelashes always look shorter! They are hiding under our eyelids all the time. T.T)
The bad thing about this product is its price, 2 pairs for RM/MYR55.90 (Expensive!). I bought it @ Sasa. For other fake eyelashes brands available in Sasa, you can get 10 pairs from RM/MYR49.90-RM/MYR69.90. Within this price you even can get 20 pairs, depend on your own requirement towards your fake eyelashes. But for me there are some weaknesses in those fake eyelashes, so eventually I have chosen this one. No regrets.
So, that's all for today.
*Human Wink*
You look so cute!! *u* Followed you, hope you could check my blog too. :)
The Dollhouse