Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

I think he is right. What he said is true.
"It's not that nobody wanna enter your heart, you are the one who locked them out when they knock on your door. Don't see/treat people's true heart with sarcasm."
Okay, that's fine.

I have besties to talk with, whenever I needed to talk. They are all those who are bearable with me, they know me quite well. My temper, isn't something I'm proud with. It could be very bad sometimes, but not come easily sometimes. What I mean is: unpredictable. Sometimes my besties suffer from mental torment. Reason behind? Me XD. Now, look again, I'm a scary lady, instead of anything you thought I was. LOL.

I believe, everyone's personality and attitude was built by his/her past experience. Honestly, I merely don't wanna feel sorrow anymore. I don't care if I would walk in a lonely street. The boulevard of broken dreams by  Green Day, spoke my heart.

Below are some quotes from the movie Ghost of Girlfriend Past (2009)
"Someone once told me that the power in all relationships lies with whoever cares less, and he was right. But power isn't happiness, and I think that maybe happiness comes from caring more about people rather than less...- Connor Mead, Ghost of Girlfriend Past"
... and, indeed, this power won't give me a single happiness =/.

"The pain you feel will never compare to the regret that comes from walking away from love. Regret beats pain everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. Don't run away. Don't do it. - Connor Mead, Ghost of Girlfriend Past
I'm just a kid who afraid of pain. How childish.
...and I'm afraid I gotta be more mature =).

"Life, you know, it's like a quick cup of coffee, if you haven't got the guts to love someone, love them with all you've got, then you end up drinking alone. - Uncle Wayne, Ghost of Girlfriend Past"
Drinking alone... Don't this sounds even more sorrow?
Train my guts, that's all I can do.

Aww, aunties & uncles, datuk dan nenek.
Start to live before we've grown OLD. 

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